Free brain teasers (2012-06-29)
Each puzzle is composed of groups of stones arranged in like a honeycomb. Each group must contain all the digits from 1 to 7 exactly once. The groups overlap each other. Find all the missing digits! Solution:
Free brain teasers from BrainBrix
Each puzzle is composed of groups of stones arranged in like a honeycomb. Each group must contain all the digits from 1 to 7 exactly once. The groups overlap each other. Find all the missing digits! Solution:
A new issue is ready for download
A new issue of our BrainBrix magazine is ready for free download: Free BrainBrix Puzzles.
The BrainBrix book is available
You can order the first book of BrainBrix. It is available only in german language. The english translation will be ready in july 2012.